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Novena to Pentecost


Invitation Prayer

Celebrant: Come Holy Spirit, fill the heart of Your faithful.

All: Kindle in us the fire of Your love.

Celebrant: Send forth Your spirit and they shall be created 

All: And You shall renew the face of the earth 

Celebrant: let us pray

All: Oh God, who instructed the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things and evermore to rejoice in Your holy comfort through Christ Our Lord, amen.

Novena prayer

All: Lord Jesus You sent the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire upon Your apostles at Pentecost. 

We beseech you to send us that same Spirit and give us 

The gift of knowledge to see beyond the present and believe in a future of truth and justice, peace and hope; 

The gift of piety to be able to turn to the father with childlike trust in every situation of life; 

The gift of the fear of the Lord to look at our self with all honesty without pride or discouragement; 

The gift of wisdom that we may not be superficial, conformist and restless so that we may find You in the purpose of our lives; 

The gift of understanding that we may see the light of Your Word, Your truth and discover Your plan in our lives; 

The gift of counsel to overcome our doubts and fears, crisis and compromises and be guided by You; 

The gift of fortitude to resist and overcome our temptation and trials and to be faithful in our daily tasks in the service of others. 

We implore You, merciful Saviour that these gifts of the Paraclete may make us resemble You more closely bearing in us the fruit of love joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Give us a new heart and renew us with a new spirit.

Fiat prayer

Celebrant: Most Holy Spirit, help us in union with Mary, to relive the mysteries of Jesus’s life. Grant that we may be inspired by the faith of our baptism, nourished by the Eucharist, renewed by the grace of Pentecost so as to live in word and deed always and everywhere as faithful witnesses of Christ.

All: Amen

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