Don Bosco Church Vadodara has been actively reaching out to its parishioners during the Corona pandemic with spiritual animation through its online liturgical and paraliturgical services. With digital media becoming a necessity during these trying times, the parish has gone all out on various digital media platforms to cater to the spiritual animation of its parishioners.
The media initiatives of the parish have just one objective— To provide spiritual animation, further personal growth, promote social communion and keep the parishioners informed so that they are connected at various levels of the church—local, regional and universal.
For this, the media team of the parish plans to use digital media—Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Website—strategically, to reach out to the parishioners.
The parish website is active and new features are regularly being updated to make full use of the web space to help parishioners access resources not only for spiritual but for holistic growth.
Our social media channels have regularly been posting content aimed at INFORMING, CATECHISING, EMPOWERING and promoting COMMUNION between the parishioners.
Recently, we launched the FOCUS OF THE MONTH initiative to give a specific direction for the spiritual growth of the parish. Fr. Isaac Arackaparambil, our parish priest, spells out the direction for the parish with his exhortation through a YouTube video, the content of which is also available on the website. Based on the FOCUS, we have a HYMN for the month, PRAYER for the month, ADORATION service of the month and various other activities that will not only act as constant reminder, but will also help provide the required spiritual nourishment to all those who actively participate in this initiative.
There are several other initiatives in the pipeline and with God’s grace we hope that they soon see the light of day. We shall keep you informed of latest updates. Till then do not forget to actively support us on the various digital media channels with your comments, likes and shares. Viva Don Bosco!
Hymn of the Month [October]: I'm Called
Prayer of the Month [October]: Prayer for Missionaries
Adoration of the Month [October]: First Friday Live Adoration