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Dietary Habits to Keep the Doctor Away Especially During the Covid Pandemic

Writer's picture: Don BoscoDon Bosco

As the world gets its hustle back on, we need to fuel our systems the right way! Our hectic lifestyles have changed the way we consume food, leading to unhealthy dietary habits and an unfit body. Do you want to get your diet back on track? Let’s take the easy way around with these seven simple but highly effective changes towards a healthy diet.

Stay Hydrated

Sixty percent of your body is water and so dehydration can lead to many health issues. At least 8-10 glasses of water per day ensure improved brain, heart and bowel function. It helps you stay active by boosting your energy levels; it flushes out toxins and helps you get the beautiful skin you have always dreamt of! In the times of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is essential to know that you airways need to stay hydrated. Water also helps deliver oxygen to all the parts of the body as blood is 90% water.

Fat Check

Butter is not always better. Consumption of excess butter, meat fat, cookies and other junk food spike your bad cholesterol levels as they contain saturated and trans fats. Our body needs healthy fat which is found in nuts, seeds, olive oil, etc. Switch over to baking, grilling and boiling instead of frying and you are good to go!

A Healthy Breakfast

Start your day on a healthy note with a scrumptious breakfast. It not only reduces your calorie consumption for the rest of the day, it also improves your heart and brain function. You can include eggs, oatmeal, fruits, nuts, chia and flax seeds in your breakfast to ensure it is loaded with nutrients. Fermented foods like paneer, yoghurt, cereal batters like idli, dosa, and chilla are good for your gut and also prevent ageing. Neglecting breakfast increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, so let’s get snacking!

Let’s Get Fruity

It is time to get the fruits and veggies out on your plate. These tasty snacks are filled with fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help with maintaining blood pressure, improving heart health and also keeps some types of cancer at bay. Chronic inflammation leads to strokes, heart diseases and various auto immune disorders. Consuming necessary amounts of fruits and vegetables (almost half a plate, every meal) helps fight inflammation.

Let the Sugar Go

Start supplementing processed sugars for healthier versions like palm or coconut, jaggery and honey. Sugary drinks and fruit juices are a big no! They are possibly the most unhealthy stuff to consume and increase not only your calories but also are also linked with hypertension, heart problems, obesity and type 2 diabetes. It is also better to eat your fruits than to drink it. Consider avoiding so-called diet food as many options end up containing lots of sugar to compensate for the loss of taste that came from fats.

Consume Food that Boosts your Immunity

An apple a day keeps the doctor away! But it is not just apples that can do that. Our kitchen is home to food that can help boost our immunity and bless us with good health. Consume ginger, turmeric, honey, garlic to keep colds away. People consuming eggs get the necessary amount of protein, Vitamin D and also are less likely to catch colds. Olive Oil and the anti-bacterial Green Tea helps boost one’s immunity and reduce inflammation. Fish and other types of seafood are sources of iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, protein, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. Make food your medicine or your medicines will be your food.

The Psychology of Eating the Right Way:

We can trick our brain into eating only what is necessary by chewing slowly, using smaller sized plates and also turning the lights on. Our appetite is controlled by our hormones that send signals to our brain when we’re hungry or full. Eating slowly gives our brain the time to understand that we are full, reducing the chances of overeating. Eating slowly also helps us chew our food well and improves digestion. Smaller plates trick our brain into thinking that we are eating sufficient or more food as the plates look full, making us less likely to overeat. Well lit areas make one alert, help consume lesser calories and make wise dietary decisions.

Choose wisely and eat healthy. After all, you are what you eat!

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