Life coaches claim to have cracked the code to live the most efficient life! Their mantra is simple – follow a daily routine. Here’s a Christian twist that will surely help us upgrade life to the next level. Let’s do it Christ style!
Wake Up Early!
Waking up is the first choice we make in the morning. It isn’t easy because our beds feel the coziest in the morn, don’t they? By choosing to wake up early we tell the Lord that we are ready to actively make an effort towards a fruitful day.
Meditation helps us heighten our awareness and gives us the much-needed clarity to steer through the clutter of life. It also takes away all stress and negativity! So, let’s take some time out, close your eyes and feel the calming presence of the Lord and in the silence of our heart, try to listen to what He has to say.
The Attitude of Gratitude
Psychologists suggest that gratitude helps us build a positive outlook towards life. Begin the day on a positive note by listing down all that you are grateful for. Thank the Lord for the blessings, both great and small. When we count our blessings, we realise how blessed you are!
Read the Word
Studies show that reading in the morning can help us start our day with tons of motivation and fresh insights to life. We could pick up a verse from the Bible, meditate upon it and hold on to it during the day. Catholic Literature has many books that can help deepen our faith and spirituality. There are numerous other self-help books that can help us become a better version of yourself.
The Checklist
Checklists help us organise our day and motivate us to get things done! Jot down three goals to accomplish during the day. But that’s not it. Take time to visualise how to do it and then surrender all the plans into the hands of the Lord. Now, the One who made everything is in control; nothing could possibly go wrong. Remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Afternoon Routine
Struggling with mid-day blues? Have a little chat with the Lord; it always helps! Think about the day spent, about the tasks done and those that still need to be checked of your list. Clarity in thoughts leads to heightened productivity that ensures achievement of goals.
Evening Routine
Evening time is family time! Our family needs us. Talk to them, listen to what they have to say, share our joys and sorrows. After all, family is all that we have. Let prayer be the foundation on which our family is built. Recite the rosary together (PRAY TOGETHER). Have atleast one meal of the day together (EAT TOGETHER). Find a common activity that will help everyone relax after a stressful day's work (RECREATE TOGETHER). Practising this routine will not only bring the family closer, but it will also help all the members of the family to stand strong through rough patches of life.
Night Routine
Journaling, if included in our night routine, can be very effective. Journaling puts to paper our fears, priorities, moments of joy – everything that matters to us. It is a step towards the acceptance of our flaws and the will to change what’s wrong. It is very much like the examination of conscience which should be done daily and not just before confession. At the end of the day, sit alone with the Lord, write or tell Him everything about your day. Reflect upon the happenings of the day and your responses to them. Offer all our weaknesses and ask Him to make us strong. Offer our hurts and ask for His healing touch. And as we prepare to go to bed, surrender everything to God and thank Him for the gift of that day. Remember, you do not go through life alone, you will always find the Lord by your side. Isn’t that beautiful?
So, are you ready to make Jesus the center of your life by including him in these doable routines of the day?