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Hi Friends, How are you? What? What did you just say? Did I her you say – I’m fine. Ohh You said – I’m OK And you – Not too bad, still surviving. Oh wai-wait – I just heard you saying: I’m at my wits end / Frustrated / Depressed / Lonely / Angry / Confused Phew – There’s not one of you who said – I’m Happy, Truly Happy. Are you perhaps looking in the wrong places for happiness? December brings us to the Season of Christmas – And Christmas is meant to be a season of Joy – Why? Because we commemorate the Birth of Jesus Christ – Emmanuel – God with us – Son of God - Savior of the World – Wonderful Counsellor - Mighty God - Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – The Messiah. So, what does Christmas have to say to our – being fine / ok / not too bad / still surviving / wits end / Frustrated / Depressed / Lonely / Angry / Confused? Jesus – who is the Reason for the Christmas season of Joy, begs us to ask three fundamental questions: 1. What is it that steals my happiness? 2. Where am I searching for happiness? 3. Who is it that will give me happiness? Let’s answer each of these I. What is it that steals my happiness? In my opinion there are 4 things that steal our happiness The 1st is FEAR: The Fear of failure – and attached with it is the sense of insecurity and low self-esteem. / The Fear of succumbing to sickness / The Fear of being over-powered by the difficulties, struggles, and set-backs of life / The Fear of being Mis-understood and Rejected. The 2nd stealer of Happiness is the Habit of Comparing oneself to others: - the other is better than me - he is more talented than me - she is prettier than me - He is wealthier than me - She looks so happy, while I am so sad. A 3rd factor is - when we Live out other people’s Expectations – So often, we do or don’t do things, because of what people will say. And we ask – LOG KYA KAHENGE? – Why do you put the remote control of your life in someone else's hands? In doing so we are not truly living our lives – we are living out the expectations of others – and we end up dissatisfied and agitated. And the 4th yet ultimate stealer of Joy is SIN with the Shame and Guilt attached to it. Let us be honest – Can I say, “I am Sinful and Happy at the same time?” A sincere answer would be NO. II. The second Question Jesus is asking us is – Where are you searching for Happiness? Is it in Power, Wealth, Freedom, Fame, Success, Relationships, Dating, Popularity, TRP Ratings, Likes, Status Views, when someone accepts your friend request, the flattering number of friends you have on Social Media, One-night stands, co-habitation, alcohol, sex, movies, parties, gossip, jokes, when you are one-up because you cheated … and the list could go on? Wisdom is in understanding that all these things are transitory, time limited, and far removed from TRUE HAPPINESS. And that brings us to the third and most important question – And the question is NOT: WHAT will bring me happiness? (- cause True Happiness is not found in THINGS) It is not - WHERE will I find happiness? (- cause True Happiness is not found in PLACES) BUT the question is: III. In WHOM will I find Happiness? (True Happiness is found in THE PERSON – not any person or many persons) Christmas gives us the answer – Coz if there were no Christmas, there would be no Easter. – You are right – the answer is JESUS Why? Because everything Jesus said and did will tell us that HE is the Source, the Center and the Summit of our Joy. Have a look: 1. To Peter who feared sinking and to the Apostles battling the storm – Jesus said FEAR NOT, YOU OF LITTLE FAITH, IT IS I. (Matthew 8:26 / 14:27-30) – The antidote to Fear is Jesus. 2. To the Samaritan woman who thirsted for happiness in multiple body-relationships – Jesus said I WILL GIVE YOU LIVING WATER THAT WILL MAKE YOU THIRST NO MORE (John 4:14) – The fulfilment of all our thirsts is Jesus. 3. To Zacchaeus who experienced rejection and was considered an outcast Jesus said - “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.” (Luke 19:5) – The one who accepts us when everyone rejects us is Jesus. 4. To the leper asking of Jesus’ willingness to heal him – Jesus said “I am willing, be healed” (Luke 5:13) – The one who wishes us to be healthy and whole is Jesus. 5. To the weary and heavily burdened - Jesus said "Come to me, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) – The one who lightens our burdens is Jesus. 6. About children and to those who hindered them - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) – The one who values and loves children is Jesus. 7. To the Rich Man seeking eternal life – in effect Jesus said give up all your possessions and “Come follow me.” (Mark 10:21) – The one who draws us to perfection is Jesus. 8. To the adulterous woman - Jesus said: Neither do I condemn you. Go sin no more. (John 8:11) The one who loves us the way we are, but loves us too much to let us remain how we are is Jesus. 9. To Satan who took possession of Peter’s thoughts – Jesus said Get behind me Satan. 10. To the seventy-two disciples who returned with joy on having demons submit to them Jesus said - "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” (Luke 10:18} 11. To his Disciples anticipating their betrayal and fear, Jesus said - "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) 12. To those who doubted his resurrection, Jesus said "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Mt 28:18) 13. To Martha despairing of Death, Jesus said – "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” (John 11:25) What do all these tell us? It tells us that the one who has victory over Sin, Satan and Death is Jesus. 14. To Thomas, and to us who do not know the way to Happiness, Peace and Heavenly Bliss - Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) To sum it all up Jesus says – Abide in me (John 15:4) – “I have told you these things so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11) My dear friends are we looking for love, joy and peace in the wrong places? What is stopping us, like it did Herod, from coming to Jesus? Can’t we learn from the Magi what it means to search and find him? Mary and the saints teach us how to follow and imitate him. St. Augustine said: “Late have I loved you, beauty so old and so new. Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” May we make the sentiments of the prophet Isaiah our own when he says - With Joy you’ll draw water from the wells of Salvation. (Isaiah 12:3) God Bless You all!

Fr. Isaac F. Arackaparambil, SDB

December, 2020

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