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The effect of water pollution on Marine life


Mayank Lal


Oliver Stephen

- Our Oceans can become beautiful but what is has it only a simple piece of trash seems minimise a times for over 6 billion people that trash to accumulate it becomes bigger and bigger until it overpowers us.
- It get’s on our beaches, in our water even animals are starting to mistake this trash for food and are poisoning themselves on the litter and pollution.
- Large industries dump their old waste into the oceans killing all organisms trying to sustain there.
- Oil companies don’t even realize what they have done, the waste toxic oil is ejaculated into the streams towing to our oceans and making them unusable.
- Birds and sea organisms are dyeing because of these oils. The fishing nets left in the oceans take the life of turtles, fishes every year.
- These animals need help we can be a part of it by volunteer or help your community change the world and make difference.
- The thousands of injured and endangered species was caused by one species…… by we Humans.

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