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Refill store with zero waste


Abhijeet Arnoldbennet


Christopher Coelho

In this video of 4 minutes, we'll see about Leslie Campbell the founder of Sustain La, who offers a place for people to come and refill household cleaners, body care products and find plastic-free alternatives to things they might use every day. We’ve been told for a long time that recycling plastics is the solution.

However the truth is that less than 9% of plastic containers are recycled. But sustain la helps their customers to eliminate the plastic bottles that you purchase in-store every time with the help of their refill station where customers are allowed their reusable containers. And they have a large infographic on the wall to help new customers to understand the flow and routine of the store.

So how they sell the products?

The Sustain La refill station allows customers to bring any container. Then, with the help of the weight machine they weigh your empty container first, record that weight, customers refill the container, and then reweight the container and deduct the original weight, so you only pay for what u fill up.

They offer a variety of products, some of which are hard to find package free. Household cleaners like laundry detergent, dish soap, Castile soaps, and body care products like deodorant, facial cleanser, and moisturizer are some of their products. They are also adding new products based on customer's recommendations. They also have a bunch of products that help to achieve a zero-waste lifestyle like plastic free toothbrushes, reusable containers, reusable sponges without plastic, and plastic-free razors.

They also have their recycling plans and some ways to reduce the plastic waste like; they try to either return the container to the vendor for refilling or find the second life for that container before recycling. They order Products like laundry liquid and dish liquid that come in 55-gallon drums. And this reduces the amount of single-use plastic as people are refilling their containers from our large drums. In the end, they donate those drums to an animal rescue.

An initiative that helps to reduce single-use products, helps to go zero waste, and helps to leave earth inhabitable for future generations.

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