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How Trees Help Create Healthy Soil


Abin Thomas


Nisha Joseph

•There is more life underground than above the ground.
•Fertile soil is filled with billions of microscopic organisms which provide with nutrients while also creating underground channels for water and air to flow, the more organisms there are in the soil the more fertile the soil is and the better it can hold the moisture the plants need to grow.
•Trees attract and help build large populations of microorganisms in the soil by sending carbon sugars out through their roots these helpers eat the sugars and give the trees exactly the minerals they require.
•Trees Drops nitrogen rich leaves which decay and also becomes food for the life in the soil.
•As the microorganisms in the soil process this food their waste becomes fertilizer which helps the plant grow bigger and faster.
•As the trees help the underground community to expand the soil becomes more porous and spongy this helps healthy soils soak up water during rains preventing erosion and flooding.
•Through Photosynthesis trees convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbon sugars and oxygen.
•When soil is alive its dark brown or black in colour this is because it is rich with carbon which is black like charcoal.
•Without spongy soil rainwater rushes of the surface of the land rather than soaking the rain into the soil. Without tree canopies or tree roots heavy rains can wash fertile top soil away into rivers causing major problems in the rivers and decreasing the fertility and resiliency of the land.
•When soil is exposed to the direct Sun in hot climates the microorganism in the soil can become dormant or dry up and die, the soil then becomes lifeless dirt the carbon in the soil combines with oxygen in the air and again become carbon dioxide but the tree canopies keep the soil cool and protects it from the Sun.
•Trees can rebuild degraded soil. The Nitrogen rich leaves dropping on the ground becomes compost that begins to regenerate the soil.
•Tree planting could be the most effective way to restore our plants topsoil. ‘A tree a day campaign’ is the most affordable, practical and multi beneficial opportunity to rebuild the world’s topsoil.

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