The Altar-servers’ Association

The Altar-servers’ Association consists of 67 children. They assist the priests at the altar while serving mass and in various other activities of the Church. Serving at the Holy Altar increases the devotion of these children and also exhibits their commitment to the Church, from a very young age and stand as witnesses of Christ for the congregation.
1. Assisting priests by serving for mass on Sunday, Feast days and daily masses
2. Weekly practice (every Saturday) for Sunday Eucharist and confessions for those serving at the Eucharist.
3. Monthly meeting for faith input, fun and games, and fellowship.
4. Yearly orientation of members
5. Participating in special Advent and Lenten Activities,
6. Organising Altar servers Rally,
7. Putting up Stalls at Mission Sunday,
8. Taking part in the cultural activities of the Parish
9. Organising special days like Vocation Promotion Day,
10. Organising Christmas Party for the residents of Don Bosco Snehalaya.
Total Number of Altar Servers: 55

Shinu Jose

Charmaine Rodrigues

Hiral Gamit
Office Bearers

Abhijeet Arnoldbennet

Abin Francis